

“I love that Trillium gives my daughter practice, every day, in making challenging, real life choices, and taking responsibility for her actions.”

-Elisha, Parent
Home Scholarship Lottery
Saturday 18th of May 2013
Saturday, Apr. 27th, 2013
Indianola Clubhouse

The Trillium School Scholarship Lottery PDF Print E-mail
The Trillium School is awarding two full-tuition scholarships for the remainder of the 2009-2010 school year to eligible prospective students. Two winners will be chosen by a lottery in each of two categories, one winner in each category: ages 5 to 10, and ages 11 to 16.

Update: The lottery has closed for students ages 5 to 10. However, we are extending the deadline for students ages 11 to 16. Get your application in by December 14th, 2009 to qualify.

Download the admissions application (PDF) now.

Get your applications in early and schedule your admissions conference today!

The Trillium School accepts elementary, junior-high, and high-school age applicants.

To be considered for the scholarship lottery, you must submit your admission application no later than November 30th.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Your child is between the ages of 5 and 16.
  • You must go through the The Trillium School admissions process (application, admissions conference, and visiting week) and reach mutual agreement that The Trillium School is a good fit for your child.
  • You must have not already initiated the admissions process prior to the scholarship announcement.


  • After submitting your application, we will schedule an admissions conference with you, followed by a visiting week.

More details:

  • The normal fee ($40) for admission applications still applies.
  • For the duration of the scholarship determination period, the visiting week fee will be waived for all applicants.
  • Chances of winning depend on the number of applicants in your child’s age category (ages 5-10 or ages 11-16).
  • The winners will be decided by a lottery drawing in January.

Should you win:

  • Your child will be able to attend The Trillium School for the second half of the 2009-2010 school year (January through June), free of all tuition and enrollment fees. On a pro-rated basis, the award is valued at $3,550.

For more information or if you have any questions, call The Trillium School, at 360-297-3733.

If you apply for admission before the deadline, you are automatically entered into the contest.